Certification in 5 Element Acupuncture and Acupressure. Practice of energy techniques of Qi Gong, Shen Gong & PanGu. Acupuncture and acupressure treatments of the 5 elements.
Certification Anatomy Physiology Pathology Cycle 1 Certification Pathologies M1,M2, Cycle 3 BLS, AED, SRC
Usui Shiki Ryoho® Reiki Mastery Practice and Teaching. Certified Master of the 11th lineage of Mikao Usui. Usui / Tibet reiki treatment and teaching
Yogic Training: Energetic Yoga, Mantras, Meditation and Pranic Breathing Techniques. Certified training in Ayurveda in South India, Tamil Nadu: basics and principles of Indian empirical medicine. AVP Coimbatore Clinic.
Reiki meditation, middle way, transcendental. Quantum meditation, neuroscience. Meditation in motion, while walking.
Advanced Bioenergetic Certificate Lemuria Code® (ABE)
Native American shamanism, tradition of the American West, Lakotas, Dakota. Amerindian healing techniques and meditation practice, through so-called astral or shamanic journeys.
Certification Introductory course to the teachings of Grigori Grabovoï®. Numerous trainings in Grigori Grabovoy's teaching with Dr. Grabovoy. Konev.
Level 1, 2 & 3 certifications in the basic concepts and spiritual tools of Kabbalah. Course and learning of the Zohar or Book of Splendors. Numerous stays in the East, in the Nabatean cities and high energetic and spiritual places.
Practice of Tibetan singing bowls to accompany the healing process. Practice of Tibetan and Indian mantra chants.
By appointment:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 7pm
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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