
À propos

Soins à distance - Télésoins

À toutes celles et ceux qui souhaitent recevoir des télésoins ou un enseignement à distance, je vous propose des soins ou des accompagnements online par visioconférence ou par téléphone. Les Soins Code Lemuria®, les soins Informationnels Grigori Grabovoï®, le Reiki Usui® peuvent se pratiquer à distance.

The principles for telecare sessions are as follows:

1/ We agree on an hour.

2/ We contact each other preferably by Kmeet or by phone.
Below is the link to download Kmeet, a secure privacy friendly video conferencing solution.

3/ Before and after the treatment, we discuss and establish objectives.

4/ During the treatment or practice, we stay in line.

5/ After the treatment, we discuss the treatment or the practice, and then we agree together on the next steps.

Remote rates are different and I invite you to contact me directly, either by email or by phone.

Payment is preferably made before the session, by bank transfer, Twint or paypal.

It is recommended to perform 3 to 5 sessions in treatment and then to space out at the individual’s pace.

Regular sessions reinforce the benefits of the treatments and contribute to the maintenance of health and the prevention of non-harmonious events.

For :

  • Helping to get through the current transitions
  • regenerate the physical body and its fundamental structures
  • release grief, sorrow, a depressive state
  • manage an emotion that is beyond us
  • better manage stress
  • find support and relief
  • to free oneself from traumas generating anxiety, fears and discomfort.
  • need to increase, “boost” its energy
  • take care of yourself and your physical, moral, emotional and spiritual health
  • set up projects
  • a desire to engage in personal development
  • to reconnect with oneself, one’s body, mind and soul
  • regain your strength, regain your autonomy
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