
Natacha Soussan, who am I?

Therapist, Acupuncturist, Trainer, Co-Founder of Hu Care (You care…)

With a wealth of experience in the field of complementary therapies, I have devoted myself over the years to fusing ancestral knowledge with modern techniques to offer treatments tailored to each individual.

A specialist in5-element acupuncture, I also master acupressure and energy treatments, guiding those who consult me towards inner balance.

As an intuitive musician, I integrate creativity as a unique approach in my therapies. I firmly believe that each person’s creativity, like a melody, can harmonize the spirit and (re)find the process of full health.

An adept of meditation and breathing techniques, I integrate these age-old disciplines into my sessions, helping those who consult me to find the calm and serenity needed to face the tumult of everyday life.

My career has been punctuated by numerous training courses and trips to energetic and spiritual places, enabling me to offer“other practices” to those who consult me.

My benevolent nature, unwavering commitment and generosity make me a trusted figure. I am committed to accompanying each patient with professionalism, respecting their uniqueness and their pathway.

If you’re looking for a passionate, dedicated therapist with an innovative, holistic approach, you can book an appointment directly on my website or via OneDoc.ch. If required, you can also book an initial 30-minute telephone consultation (free of charge).

Transform His Life. An Innovative Therapeutic Practice.

We live in an age where stress, anxiety and emotional challenges are part and parcel of our daily lives. Faced with these challenges, it’s beneficial, even essential, to find help, a listening ear and support in coping with life events.

Over the years, I have developed a therapeutic practice specifically designed to guide each individual towards optimal well-being. Each person teaches me and enables me to improve my own practice and methods.

What makes this practice different?

My method is the fruit of many years of study, observation and practice. She combines proven techniques from different traditions and therapeutic approaches with a personal touch, adapted to each individual.

Each person is unique, and my practice respects this uniqueness, offering a personalized path to healing and well-being.

Emotional harmony

Learn to manage your emotions, overcome anxiety and find inner peace.

Physical balance

Make physical well-being part of your daily routine and discover how physical and mental health are intrinsically linked.

Personal development

Explore your inner potential.

Expanding consciousness

In addition to my passion for helping others, my practice goes beyond traditional methods.

You’ll benefit from a space where you’ll be listened to, understood and accompanied with kindness.

Each session is designed to maximize the awareness that sets us free.

Benevolence and Awareness: the heart of my approach

Kindness is the central pillar of my practice. It expresses itself in every exchange.

When you enter Hu Care’s therapeutic space, you are welcomed with warmth, empathy and non-judgment.

Every individual is precious, and every story deserves respect and attention.

Consciousness is our compass. In our quest for well-being, it’s crucial to develop a deep awareness of ourselves, our emotions and our thoughts.

It’s only by being fully aware of our inner states that we can begin a true journey of transformation.

Thought is the tool with which we shape our reality. It has the power to lift us up or pull us down.

In my practice, I will accompany you with techniques to understand and act on these thoughts in a constructive way, enabling you to adopt a more positive and balanced outlook on life.

As for strength and gentleness, they are two sides of the same coin in the therapeutic process. Strength is needed to face and overcome obstacles, to embrace change and to move forward.

Gentleness, on the other hand, reminds us to treat our soul and spirit with tenderness, welcome our imperfections and learn to love ourselves unconditionally.

In my practice, I strive to instill a harmony between these two qualities, enabling you to move through life with determination while keeping an open heart.

Each of these elements, from benevolence to strength, forms an essential link in the chain of well-being. In my approach, they intertwine harmoniously, offering a complete and enriching therapeutic experience.

Go further…

It’s not just a consultation; it’s a transformation.

My aim is to give you the tools and strategies you need to live a fulfilled life, full of joy and meaning.

If you want to embark on this journey, to transcend your limitations and embrace your best Self, I’m here to accompany you.

Take the first step

The first step towards positive change is often the most difficult, but it’s also the most rewarding.

Come and discover what my therapeutic practice can offer you, and together we’ll pave the way to holistic wellness.


Energetic care

Energetic care

Energy treatments bring support and improvement to life situations.

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Suction cups

Suction cups

This ancient technique is based on holistic and energetic principles, designed to balance the flow of energy in the body and stimulate blood circulation.

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Acupuncture 5 Elements© (in French)

Acupuncture 5 Elements© (in French)

To alleviate chronic physical symptoms, or even free them (digestion, migraine, eczema, menopause, addictions, etc.)

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Therapy using the same points as acupuncture, but without needles (for children, people very sensitive to needles).

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The use of moxa is very popular for relieving chronic pain.

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Lemuria© Code

Lemuria© Code

Recovering the strength within oneself, recovering and re-appropriating one's autonomy.

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Reiki Usui© (Reiki)

Reiki Usui© (Reiki)

Reiki treatments are very effective in managing emotions.

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Informational Care

Informational Care

To learn new techniques, to broaden one's perspective and awareness.

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Remote care

Remote care

For all those who wish to receive telecare or distance learning, I offer online care or coaching by videoconference or by phone.

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Care for therapists

Care for therapists

As a therapist, we all know how essential it is to receive regular care.

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Care in motion

Care in motion

We meet at a certain place together, either by the lake, in the mountains or in nature, in order to benefit from the close contact with the elements to work on ourselves, our cells, our DNA, our consciousness and thus accelerate the process of recovery from an event and re-connection to the Self.

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Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies

This documentary illustrates this journey between people who want all the healing forces to unite in love and respect for life.

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Training courses

Training & Workshops

Supporting your employees

I adapt and create content to meet your specific needs

Acupressure, a tool for managing stress
Difficulties and pain at work
Acupressure to relieve sitting-related tension

Individual or group coaching
2-hour, 4-hour or 8-hour workshops

Price: subject to prior estimate


Hypersensitivity: gaining confidence in your feelings


I propose you to discover during one day how to feel better with your hypersensitivity.

How to apprehend a change of energy, how to feel better with what we perceive, what we feel.

Work on the management of vibrations and frequencies of spaces and people.
(Re)finding confidence in your energy sensors.

Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho / Tibet

Reiki Usui course in the tradition and respect of the teachings of Mikao Usui.

Degree 1, Degree 2, Degree 3, Mastery.

Please note that in the Usui tradition, before any degree, a prior oral exchange is desired.

The trainings are held on Friday and Saturday so that you can have a day to yourself on Sunday.

Training sessions are also scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays and also during the week.


Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho, Tibet

Method of 8


Reintegrate your potential, your “Jesuis”.

Deprogramming old patterns, defining and generating a harmonious future.

Individual coaching over 8 sessions in 3 months.

Price : CHF 888.00 


Quantum meditation course…

Change your present…

Individual Course: 130 Chf / hour

Moving course: 150 Chf / hour


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